The Forum

Visit our Padlet to interact with ongoing conversations between students, faculty, and alumni here or below.
For those who wish to engage in discourse: 

Notes on Anonymity
We have made sure that we are in a position to honour anonymity through numerous methods. Below are a few points to consider before posting and contributing.

1. If contributors want to remain anonymous, they should ensure that they are not logged into programs i.e. Google Drive or Padlet.
2. We will never post identifying details unless the contributor provides details they want included in their submissions i.e. class year, course, company.
3. Tips + Facts for various contribution platforms:
- Instagram: The author of any submission via Instagram (submission of anecdotes through dm’s, answering story questions and polls, etc.) will remain confidential.
- Website: You can sign the letter anonymously or write your name, initials, etc.
- Padlet: The author can remain anonymous by not creating an account and signing into Padlet.
- Google Drive: Contributors can remain anonymous by not logging into their Google account prior to commenting.

Notes on Etiquette
It is important for us to establish etiquette guidelines for participation; this protects our contributors and provides them with information on what is okay to post and what gets removed or hidden.

1. Think before you post. The internet is permanent, even if you make edits to your posts (someone could take screenshots and share what you wrote).
2. We encourage healthy debate, we want there to be conversations and these topics can be uncomfortable. If you made a mistake, just be upfront about it. People prefer honesty.
3. At the discretion of the moderators hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated and will be removed.
4. We will not repost or share content with foul language (Padlet replaces curse words with emojis).

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